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Welcome to SCORA!

The Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including  HIV/AIDS (SCORA) gathers passionate students in Belgium who are committed to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights and are passionate about creating a positive change in their local communities. We are fighting for a world where every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination.

How exactly does this work?

Local BeMSA committees at Belgian universities can organize their own SCORA-related projects. Each project has their own goals, often adapted to the local needs, while keeping in mind the general idea of SCORA. Some projects we try to implement nationwide. With these local and national projects we want to make a difference in society.

Below, you can find a small overview of SCORA-related projects that are being organized in Belgium.

How can you get involved?

You can find out which SCORA-related projects are being organized in your local BeMSA committee below. If you would like to have some more information, you can head to their website (which you can find in the toolbar above) or contact their Local Officer on Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS. (LORA), which you can find below. If you want some more information about SCORA on the national level, you can also find the contact information of the National Officer on Reproductive health including HIV/AIDS below. Do not hesitate to contact us! We are happy to share information and/or involve you in our projects!


The medical students of the IFMSA formed the Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS (SCORA) in 1992, driven by a strong will to take an active part in interventions concerning HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and to support people living with HIV/AIDS through working to decrease stigma and discrimination. The last few years sexual and reproductive health has gained in importance and continue to do so. Everywhere around the world SCORA tries to meet the local needs and shortcomings. Through SCORA medical students across the globe work to increase awareness concerning reproductive and sexual health and other related issues.

In Belgium SCORA has developed quite a lot the last few years, we want to continue to do so which is why we need YOU to get involved and help us make SCORA Belgium better than ever!

Useful links


NORA: Linh Truong -