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BeMSA Mons


BeMSA Mons is a brand new local committee within BeMSA Belgium. After some of our current members attended activities organised online by BeMSA ULB, we thought: "Why not do the same thing here? So, motivated by the idea of developing events that emphasise medical practice in our highly theoretical curriculum, we formed a very determined team, with a view to "making healthcare happen at our level", in the words of our president.

In terms of key activities this year, we have set up three committees. The SCOPH will focus on prevention workshops, such as on the risks of alcohol or cardiovascular diseases with H4L, for the public of our university in the first instance. SCORA will work on setting up an information workshop on the different methods of male contraception, other than our beloved condom. Finally, SCOME will try to give a taste of medical practice, among other things by setting up a workshop to take blood samples, check blood pressure and train in suturing.


The acronym BeMSA stands for the Belgian Federation of Medical Students. It is an association that aims to train qualified health care students to make a lasting change for the mental and physical well-being of all!

The association therefore has two main missions. Firstly, to develop the practical medical skills of the students in the health department in order to improve the skills of those who will form the basis of the medical profession. Secondly, after one year of application, and with the approval of the BeMSA national board, the association will be able to offer internships in other European institutions. The destinations will be proposed according to the agreements signed by the national board.

This objective will be concretely translated by the implementation of workshops related to medical practice, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation sessions, blood pressure training or the role of speech in medicine, etc. You can find below a detailed description of the basic activities we will be implementing this year. Of course, there is still room for further ideas in the coming year!



  • Physical and mental health workshop with the idea on insisting on prevention (Nadine Kacenelenbogen, ex-professor at UMons).
    • Target audience: Students of the faculty and possibly awareness-raising workshops for passers-by in Mons.
    • Aim: To raise awareness of a healthy lifestyle both physically, possibly in connection with heart for life, and mentally
  • Workshops on learning how to do blood testing, sutures and how to measure blood pressure
    • Target group: Medical students from all undergraduate levels
    • Aim: To practice basic clinical procedures
  • Discussions with PGs who'll explain their specialties
    • Target audience: Medical students from all over
    • Aim: To give an idea of each specialty so that people can make their choices as informed as possible


  • Male contraception awareness
    • Target audience: Males, between 20 and 40 years old, including the student population, via awareness-raising activities carried out in Mons, around the Grand Place, and on the university campus, in order to reach a wide audience. Awareness-raising will be carried out on a specific day, ideally in Q1.
    • Aim: To make the target audience aware of male contraception (vasectomy). To explain the different advantages and compare it to other contraceptive methods. Distribute explanatory flyers.
  • STI workshops, prevention in contact with teenagers
    • Target audience: 12-25 years old, depending on the number of participants, in collaboration with family planning. Ideally in Q2, during the months of March and April, over several days.
    • Aim: To reach out to teenagers through interactive lectures in the different establishments. Explain how to protect oneself, how to react after a risky contact, the different treatment options and how people live with an STI


  • Heart For Life
    • Target audience: passers-by in Mons on the main square
    • Aim: awareness and prevention of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors (blood pressure measurement, questioning about eating habits and risk factors, BMI, advice according to risk factors), blood sugar/cholesterol levels, etc.
  • Shift project
    • Target audience: students and university staff, as this is a fairly cross-cutting theme, regardless of the subjects developed within a faculty
    • Aim: to raise awareness of the impacts of global warming on the different sectors of our economy, with a particular focus on the health sector + proposal of solutions for a sustainable transition of the different sectors concerned.
  • Awareness-raising on excessive alcohol consumption
    • Target audience: students
    • Aim: prevention and awareness-raising
      Bake sales with profits going to an association related to alcohol abuse


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