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BeMSA UCLouvain

Origin and history

BeMSA UCLouvain was created by motivated students from the UCLouvain in 2015 who liked to join the system and opportunities that the IFSMA and its associations bring. It was the first French speaking university joining BeMSA, thus changing the official language of communication inside the organisation to English.

Our first aim was to offer exchange opportunities to UCLouvain's students during summer. Since then, the team has grown and we now have a whole range of activities and topics to work on!

UCLouvain, BeMSA and IFMSA

Through the election of national board members and seats in the general meeting we are building on the development of BeMSA’s vision and views. These national positions influence internationally through the presence of BeMSA UCLouvain delegates at international IFMSA meetings.


UCLouvain has now been part of BeMSA for a couple of years, grew up and adapted to the IFMSA system, incorporate and added lots of Standing Committee. An overview of the various Standing Committees and the projects they organize are given below:

  1. SCOPE (Standing Committee on Professional Exchange)
    • One month exchange during July, August or September in a clinical department, from 3rd year bachelor.
  2. SCORE (Standing Committee on Research Exchange)
    • One month exchange during July, August or September in a research department, from 1st year bachelor.
  3. SCOPH (Standing Committee on Public Health)
    • Heart For Life
    • Mental Health Week in collaboration with Health Week
    • Day against obesity
    • An awareness week for different cancers
  4. SCORA (Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including HIV / AIDS)
    • Sensibilisation Campaign on Social Media
    • Preparations on SOS
  5. SCOME (Standing Committee on Medical Education)
    • Meet your doctor
    • Discovering rural medicine with Santé Ardenne
    • Medtain: practical learning such as suturing, taking blood pressure,...
    • Create activities in secondary schools to learn the first aid course

Alma Pride 2022Heart For Life 2021SCOPE Exchange - Turkey 2022



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