Heart for Life (H4L)
With this initiative we want to make people aware of their cardiovascular risk by measuring their blood pressure and questions about their lifestyle.
Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH)
The Kulak is transformed into a teddy bear hospital. Young children bring their teddy bear and become a real teddy bear doctor! The purpose of this is to allay their fear of doctors and hospitals in a playful way. For several years now, we have also been organizing it at the KU Leuven campus in Bruges!
Kulak 24 uur tegen Kanker (KTK)
One of the most famous events is without a doubt the Kulak 24 uur tegen Kanker. The whole day money is collected for the Leuven Kankerinstituut. This is possible through all kinds of actions such as the 6-urenloop, Proffen tegen Kanker and Kelder tegen Kanker.