Iedereen Gezond
Why the project 'Iedereen Gezond'?
Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle is something that everyone should be brought up with. It has a huge impact on children's development. Too often children still get a cookie in their hand instead of a piece of fruit and they are completely unaware of what healthy food means. With this project we want to make children aware of healthy food and also healthy habits such as sports and oral hygiene, so that as children grow up they will think more about the effect of this.
How do we want to do this?
As BeMSA Ghent we try to teach children in an interactive way about all possible topics that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. We do this at the request of some schools in Ghent with a large multicultural population. In recent years, this was done at the Victor Carpentier element ary school (located in an underprivileged neighborhood) and the OKAN secondary school Toren Van Babel. At schools with a multicultural occupation, children and their parents often have a lot on their minds and, as a result, healthy eating is often less of a priority.
In concrete terms, Everyone Healthy is a project in which a number of medical students visit an elementary school in Ghent to teach the children in a fun way about healthy food, exercise, oral hygiene, sleeping habits, and so on. Fun games are played with them, delicious dishes are cooked and sports are played. This is not only instructive for the children, but also helps you as future doctors in acquiring important communication skills: being able to explain in an understandable way to all groups in society, with this project we focus specifically on children. After all these great activities, we eat our delicious creations together with the children.
Copyright notice: the logo is not used for commercial purposes and is originally from Iedereen Beroemd.