Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is on the 10th of December. That day marks the day when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly. This document finally stated that everyone as a human being, was entitled to the non-negotiable rights, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
With BeMSA, we want to contribute to actions that fight for human rights around the world, we want to bring awareness about human rights that are still not respected in many parts in the world. With a Human Rights Day project, each city within BeMSA tries to make these issues more visible for students. We also organize the writing marathon of Amnesty International in different cities, to collect signatures to help in fighting injustice. Each year Amnesty has other people we can write a letter for. People that were detained, imprisoned,… because of fighting for human rights, or because of a certain political, religious or sexual preference,…
You can find on the website of your local committee, where and when the writing marathon will be organized. You can also find what project or campaign will be organized for the Human Rights Day.
For more info, contact your LORP (Local Officer on Human Rights and Peace) or the NORP (National Officer on Human Rights and Peace):
Useful links: