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Standing Committee of Public Health 

Teddybear Hospital


During Teddy Bear Hospital we simulate a hospital environment in which young children take care of their "ill" stuffed animals, under the supervision of medical students. 

Children can nurse their teddy bears back to health through specialised stations. Here they discover a range of medical procedures. 

Every academic schoolyear we organize 2 editions of Teddybear Hospital. 

The first edition will be held at Het Jessaziekenhuis in Hasselt. 
Our second edition will be accomodated in Het Zol Ziekenhuis in Genk. 

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This years coördinators are: Bente Peeters, Niels Aerts, Febe Bobbaers and Hannah Van Assche. 

This years subcoördinators are Julie Achten, Valentina Claes, Margaux Martens and Chloé Gaens. 


Heart for Life